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Luna Maya is a beautiful and sexy girl who was born in Denpasar, Bali, on August 26, 1983, with the religion of Islam. Luna is a soap opera actress and the Indonesian movie that started his career as an advertising and catwalk model.

Biography - Luna Maya started his career as a catwalk model stars, and then develop themselves in the role of art, whether movies or soap operas. Achievements prominence as a model is chosen as the Star Luna Lux 2006.

The name of Luna Maya getting bounced in the world of entertainment (entertainment), now play a role in the movie LOVE SILVER with Rima Melati and Catherine Wilson. Besides active in entertainment, Luna also do business in the field of fashion, by opening a boutique called LM Hardware in Bandung and Jakarta.


Luna also increasingly shining star of 2008, as ambassador of one of Luna coupled electronics products, Toshiba, and also has become an icon KapanLagi.com.

Early December 2008, Luna returned a relationship with a former girlfriend, Ariel Peterpan, the widower status after a divorce from Sarah Amalia on May 27, 2008.

Luna dicatut whose name was on a porn site is one of the more steady step in the entertainment world. His name is increasingly flying after becoming a presenter of music show that aired on RCTI DAHSYAT every day with artist Raffi Ahmad and Olga Syahputra.

Coming to the end of 2009, Luna returned to be the fruit of lips. This is related to post a status comes from his Twitter account on the infotainment media.

Luna reportedly angry that the daughter Ariel, Alleia Anata, which he was carrying, when it's asleep, accidentally hit the camera reporter who will interview him. Controversy Twitter Luna Maya began when he update Twitter status with Tweet as follows "Infotainment degree lebh Hina dr pd PROSTITUTES, MURDERER!! May ur soul burn in hell !!...". Spontaneous response from all walks of life emerged. either positive or negative response. Luna eventually apologized to those who feel offended and he eventually disabling Twitternya precisely on the 15th december 2009 with his last Tweet "Sorry yaa all for the twit who is not important, who tp to understand thanks bgt, tp to, not everyone knows jg sorry ...".

In 2010, negative rumors again befall Luna Maya on the circulation of video recordings involving sex couples similar to Luna Maya and her boyfriend, Ariel (Peterpan). In that short duration video begins with Luna Maya perform oral sex and in the video-length, visible faces of the two Luna Maya and Ariel. In fact, in the woman's left hip was visible tattoo butterfly. Want to see the video ..? Please download the video Luna Maya Ariel.

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