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Nicky Tirta Biography

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Lawrence Nicky Tirta Djaja
Jakarta, 27 April 1983

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Nicky Lawrence Nicky Tirta or full Tirta Djaja advertising model is a star who later developed a career as a soap opera actress. Nicky famous acting in soap operas shown FAIRY series, which starred together Marshanda.

Nicky who had been a model of product advertising mineral water and chocolates, also support the patron BOYFRIENDS IMAGINARY, KALA LOVE DO NOT CALL ME tease and MOTHER. Apart from FTV has also been supportive, such as chips CASSAVA BABA and MY FIRST KISS HONG.

Garnetta actress girlfriend is starting to break through the big screen movie GHOST ISLAND II, where in this horror film category, she played a character Brian. The figure of men who are loyal in friendship, behind character penakutnya.

In addition to acting, Nicky started to spread the world of drag votes with 10 albums released MALE ARTIST soap opera. This album is a compilation album with 10 top Indonesian sinetron artist.

In 2008, Nicky began appearing in soap operas rarely-soap opera, because he was studying in Australia. However, if the time off, he came home and re-hone his acting talent by FTV.

The flurry of studies in the Department of Broadcast Design at Taft University in Australia and seldom returned to Jakarta to make the relationship with his girlfriend Nicky Garneta must end.

Living abroad did not make Nicky forget her acting career. Although her parents live in Australia, but in 2010, he became determined to return to acting for the sake of reaching a dream to own a restaurant. This is demonstrated by playing at Cinema celebrity stories.

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