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Proximity Dewi Persik and Nicky Tirta not kidding. Even the Goddess was introduced Nicky to his adopted son, Gabriel Felice. Gabriel called Nicky, 'daddy' or fathers.

It's close like that, unfortunately Goddess and Nicky still shy memploklamirkan romance. "I know, call Nicky Gabriel 'daddy'," Dewi said when met at FX, Senayan, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (21/12/2010).

But even if true they are dating, Goddess and Nicky did not want to fool around. Especially when this goddess quest for adult men and fatherhood to become her husband.

"Oh I'm happy as Nicky, he's smart and a lot of help me. As he made a green screen for me. Yes we are if you have noticed our friends, support me and care about my child. Who is not happy, because he jugakan men. We do need men who are not childish because we are currently not playing games, "said Goddard.

Goddess so be careful in dealing seriously today. Ex-wife 'Saipul Jamil' did not want to fail for the third time in building the household.

"Definitely if I was more cautious. The fears and failures, but not pessimistic to undergo relationship. Because for me if anyone gives attention to the sincere why not," lid Goddess.

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