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After three weeks of silence, finally Tamara Bleszynski and Mike Lewis open sound. Tamara said, chose to marry in Bali because the island beautiful.

"I chose Bali because the island's most beautiful in the world, the most beautiful island in the world. Because the marriage was filled with love and I want to celebrate in a beautiful place too," said Tamara at JW Marriot Hotel, Jakarta, Monday (22 / 2 / 2010).

Tamara and Mike got married at Villa Bayu Sabha, Uluwatu, Bali, on February 2, 2010, at 16:00 pm. Weddings are held in private. Only close friends and family are invited. Can be married to Mike, Tamara happy.

"For sure I am happy because of finding a husband who I love. I hope I continue to be happy," he said.

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