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Artist Titi Kamal look thinner than usual. Titi claims could stay thin thanks to the diligent eating fruits.

"I rather have to be like the fruit-eating birds. It should continue to eat fruit. Every day ketemunya apples, pears, fruit deh," said Titi met at the studio Penta SCTV, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Monday (06/28/2010) .

Movie stars 'Tri Mas bitter' was admitted always able to maintain his weight at around 52 pounds. But only with little to eat a lot, Titi weight can increase.

Currently, Titi is busy promo new single 'Falling in Love', therefore he must keep the body. For 28-year-old woman who was very easy. He stayed diligent, industrious consume the fruit.

"I'm like rubber when i eat a lot could go up five pounds. Then again eat fruit when it can also go straight down. Easy up, easy down,"said Titi.

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