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Tamara Natalia Christina Mayawati Bleszynski
Bandung, December 25, 1974
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His full name Tamara Natalia Christina Mayawati Bleszynski, or better known as Tamara Bleszynski. Stars born in Bandung, December 25th, 1974 ago, since little has been showing interest in the arts, especially acting. After completing basic education in Indonesia, Tamara then melanjutnya education at Asutralia.
During menumpuh education in Australia, Tamara began to fall in love with acting. To hone his acting talent, Tamara is also a guard bicycle during the weekend for a fee of $ 10 per day, taking extra-curricular drama.
After completing his education at St. Bridge College in Australia and holds a Bachelor of Business Management, did not make Tamara then wrestling in the world of work which they graduated. He even joined the Theatre Institute.
And when you return to the homeland, at the time Tamara was in the record store, accidentally met Jay Subiakto who eventually invited him to become a model. Not long after that, Tamara became one of the model to be reckoned with in the homeland.
Great opportunity even to him, when he got an offer as a brand ambassador Lux soap. Until now, Tamara is the longest-star Lux ad.
From model and advertising, Tamara began reaching soap opera world. It is familiar because it is long enough for him he go into acting. Her acting debut in the soap opera viewing on MY SON reborn (1996), Shangrilla (1996) and continued in Asmara (1998), TRIP (1999), I prayed a blessing (2000), WAH beautiful (2001), OPERA SMU (2002), Ikhlas (2003), WISDOM (2004), PRINCESS BEAUTIFUL (2004), FAITH (2005), GOAL (2005), LOVE IS NOT BLIND (2007).
Thanks to the slick appearance on the soap opera, making Tamara Favorite received the title Best Actress 2004 and 2005 in Panasonic Awards. Even Bleszynski sister Theresa is touted as the most expensive soap opera star.
From soap operas, Tamara penetrated the world of film debut in the movie ISSUE (2004) and followed by the movie BIG DAY (2006).
Not just with acting, Tamara begin enjoying the world of drag votes. He contributed his voice on the album was a blessing DOA OST (2001) through single Surrender Yourself, and OST GOAL (2005). In the album FROM THE HEART FOR ACEH (2005), he also brought a poem Prayer Surrender and After Earthquake and Tsunami.
In her personal life, Sunda-blooded woman is married to Polish Teuku Rafli Pasa in 1997 at the Grand Mosque. From this marriage, born Rasya Islamy Pasha on February 4, 1999. Unfortunately, this marriage ended in divorce.
Tamara-Rafli divorce trial begins 7 September 2005, but the official decision for divorce coming out on February 1, 2006. After the official widow, Tamara should continue feud with her ex-husband custody Rasya related.
Even Joey and Tamara faces charges KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission) to court for his actions to separate her from her father. Although Tamara eventually had to give up Rasya stay with Joey, after the Supreme Court to decide custody of falling into the hands of her ex-husband.