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Tamara Bleszynski was pregnant. Her son from a former husband, Teuku Islamay Rasha Pasha, seemed less enthusiastic welcome the presence of the candidate his half sister.

"I saw he was not (excited). But somehow he must have the same sense of longing for his mother. Just so yes, baseball is too ignored," said Tamara's ex-husband, Teuku Rafli, met in Jakarta, recently.

Rafli not interested anymore to bridge between Rasha meeting with Tamara. "I used to never build bridges, instead I force the bridge, but the result is actually good baseball," he admitted.

Even so, he is refused if the bloody Aceh called closed access to communication and physical contact between Rasha with his mother.

"Communication is long enough, which is important I do not shut down access to it. To be honest, both her mother and Rasha already both know and certainly there are lines of communication. What is important the people around me know all. I do not open or close access," specifically.

Rasha now teenagers. The boy who never became seizure Tamara and Joey was soon in junior high school.

Unfortunately since Tamara married again, there has been no meeting with Rasha. Problem is, Joey raised their hands.

"He's going to see her mother, which is important to support me. Yes, just pray that hopefully see you, ya see," he begged.

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